We-Pee News — Category_Uncategorized
Urine Separators for Komposttoilettet, Denmark
Long live the composting toilet - when the end is good everything is good. The Danish artist Jytte Abildstrom Composting toilets in Denmark are growing in popularity all the time, as more and more Danish citizens are looking for environmentally friendly alternatives to traditional flush toilet and waste management systems. Dry composting toilets require no water, electricity, or mains sewage and produce wonderful, useable compost that can be returned to feed the soil, naturally. Urine separation is a key factor in ensuring odour-free composting toilets and a successful composting process. The we-pee urine separator is a light-weight, affordable solution that...
Spanish we-pee site goes live!
Composting toilets are a growing phenomenon across the world and the we-pee urine diverter is sold to countries far and wide, from Iceland to Croatia, New Zealand to Canada. To help people buy the we-pee urine separator wherever they are, we have translated the site into different languages and we are delighted to have added Spanish to the list of languages you can buy the urine separator in. So welcome to the site, El Separador de Orina! Composting toilets are a great solution in areas struggling with water shortages, and soon to be available in Spanish are the Plans to...
Compost Toilets for Campsite
Compost toilets come in all shapes and sizes. Here is an example from South Africa where a urine diverter of ours has been used. We love the fact that all compost toilets can be customised in such a wide variety of styles to suit each location and personality. This one was designed by my brothers' furniture making business, Sylvantutch.
Urine Separator for Disabled Access Composting Toilet
We have just returned from a lovely allotment in Islington where we have installed one of our Disabled Access Compost Toilets. The compost toilet uses one of our urine separators to divert the urine from the solids, enabling a smell free composting process. Have a look at more of our composting toilets for sale on our freerangedesigns website. You can order your urine separator for compost toilets here on we-pee and get free delivery anywhere in the world.
Urine Separator for Tiny House, USA
Urine separating composting toilets are an ideal solution for Tiny House dwellers and there are many people out there making their own composting toilets to fit perfectly into their beautiful small spaces. Here is a link showing how one of our customers used the we-pee separator in their DIY compost loo in Washington State, USA. "Hi, I thought you might enjoy seeing the final product using your separator :) Thanks for making it! My Tiny House is located in Washington state, USA. https://tinyretreat.wordpress.com Elise"