Urine Separating Composting Box, New Zealand


One of our we-pee customers - an ecological wastewater designer and compost toilet builder in New Zealand called Mike - has sent us these photos of a portable composting toilet box he has built with the we-pee urine separator. In this version of the we-pee composting box, the urine is piped directly into a watering can, for use as a fertiliser on the soil.

"I’ve attached a few more pics of the loo I made in its final resting place. The colleague I gave it too is one of New Zealand’s foremost wastewater experts. He is passionate about compost loos and keeps one in his backyard in suburban Christchurch despite being on reticulated sewerage", Mike.

Click here for free downloadable plans to build your own composting box. Mike's next project is to build himself the larger Bog Standard Compost Toilet, again with the we-pee urine separator.
Portable Compost Box Portable Compost Box
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Urine Separating Composting Toilet Urine Separating Composting Toilet
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Urine Separator Compost Toilet Urine Separator Compost Toilet

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